Sub surface scraper UFS

In the case of solid manure, the scraper conveys the manure either to a discharge point in the manure pit or low-lying manure bed or with a high conveyor for stacking on manure beds or for discharge onto the wagon. Multi-row housing systems can be equipped with a drive.
All scrapers for underfloor systems are adapted to the channel height and channel width.
Flat channels under the partial or full slats for slurry or solid manure reduce construction costs.
The manure removal process can be started several times a day, automatically via a timer.
Regular clearing of the manure channel reduces ammonia emissions in the barn air and thus improves the barn climate. As an extension to an above-ground system, the sub surface scraper is used as a cross-conveyor system.

Suitable for

  • He clears pig, bull and sheep pens under the slatted floor
  • in the chicken coop – under the manure grates
  • in the rabbit hutch or
  • in a horse stable, it travels under the stable aisle with openings for manual discharge

Technical data


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